02. und 04.05.2023: 10th Migration Research Lab „Transnational Perspectives on the Research on Labour“

Transnational Perspectives on the Research on Labour Migration


Prof Michael D. Snodgrass, Professor of Latin American History, Indiana University – Purdue University Indianapolis, USA

PD Dr. Peter Birke, Sociological Research Institute (SOFI) Göttingen

Moderation: Dr. Lars Klein, Euroculture, University of Göttingen

Date: 02 May 2023, 12:15 – 13:45 CEST

VenueKWZ 1.610 (Heinrich-Düker- Weg 14)

Registration: Please register via e-mail (jelka.guenther@uni-goettingen.de). You will then receive suggested readings for preparation. Feel free to indicate your interest in the research lab’s theme. Please also not hesitate contact Jelka Günther (CeMig, jelka.guenther@uni-goettingen.de) if you have any more questions.

This workshop is designed to initiate exchange about labor migration from a global perspective.

Michael Snodgrass is Professor of Latin American History (Indiana University – Purdue University Indianapolis, USA). His work focuses on 20th-century Mexico and the history of immigration/ emigration/ return migration as well as comparative labor and working-class history. In his recent study he builds on archival records, interdisciplinary social science research, and oral life histories to compare the recruitment policies and labor regimes of Mexico’s first guestworker accord with the United States and Germany’s recruitment of Spanish gastarbeiter.

Peter Birke is a postdoctoral researcher at the Sociological Research Institute (SOFI) Göttingen. In his work he sheds light on the relationship between labor relations, racism and struggles of migration. His most recent research projects focus on the integration of refugees in companies and labor struggles in the mail order and meat industry.

For the workshop both guests will present research approaches and findings to enter into a discussion with all participants on transnational perspectives on the research on labour migration.

The workshop is aimed at students and researchers of all levels (Bachelor, Master, PhD, PostDoc). Readings will be circulated upon registration.

Michael Snodgrass is a guest of the Erasmus Mundus Master’s Programme „Euroculture – Society, politics and culture in a global context“. We cordially invite everyone also to his lecture:

„Dreams of Development“

This history of Cold War-era migration policy compares two emblematic guestworker programs that recruited several million Mexican and Spanish migrants to labor in the United States and Germany. Proponents of the bilateral accords defended them as diplomatic achievements that secured contractual labor rights, improved foreign relations, and sent migrants home with savings and skills to achieve the diverse development goals of the sending states. The study traces the programs’ historical and ideological roots, juxtaposes the guestworkers’ experiences, and uses the cases of Mexican braceros and Spanish gastarbeiter to explore the contested nexus between migration and development.

Date: 04.05.2023, 10:15 – 11:45
Venue: VG 4.106, Platz der Göttinger Sieben 7