Fristverlängerung: Nominierung für ENLIGHT Teaching Award

Im Rahmen der ENLIGHT Teaching and Learning Konferenz in Göttingen vom 16.-18 November wird auch der ENLIGHT Teaching and Learning Award für innovative und internationale Lehre verliehen. Wir nehmen bis 10. August formlose Nominierungen entgegen. Bitte schicken Sie Namen des/der Lehrenden und Kurses mit einer kurzen Begründung (max. 1 1/2 DINA Seite) für Ihre Auswahl an:

Der Auswahlprozess findet in einem zweistufigen Verfahren statt:

Im August wir eine Göttingen-interne Expert*innen-Kommission die eingegangenen Nominierungen begutachten und ggf. für diesen Prozess weiterführende Informationen anfragen. Ende August wird die Auswahl bekannt gegeben.

Im September wird das Göttinger Organisationteam der Konferenz gemeinsam mit nominierenden Fakultät gemeinsam die Unterlagen zur Einreichung an das Governance Board der ENLIGHT Teaching and Learning Conference für eine Abgabe am 30.9.2022 vorbereiten.


Die Kriterien nach denen der Award vergeben wird, lauten:  

  1. The inclusion of diverse perspectives: Whether in the classroom, in group work, or in projects, diverse perspectives can enrich teaching and learning processes. We welcome suggestions for courses that find innovative ways to facilitate this diversity, or that include diversity in the design of educational processes. This might also involve a partnership approach. Establishing educational partnerships between students and teaching or administrative staff, between a university and the community, or between members of different universities can benefit teaching and learning processes because of the diversity they foster. We welcome good practice examples of this.


  1. The use of activating teaching methods related to the educational aims in ENLIGHT: activating teaching methods stimulate students to construct knowledge by means of authentic, practical and relevant assignments that require students’ ‘active’ involvement to incorporate the available information: to select, to interpret and to apply knowledge to practical cases and to solve complex problems. Courses that make use of challenge-based or problem-based education as teaching format are particularly welcomed.


  1. The use of feedback: Feedback is information that allows students to critically consider their own achievements and (study) behaviour, and to regulate their learning process. In learning, the feedback loop is essential. Furthermore, feedback allows teachers to connect to their students’ learning processes and thus is necessary to design one’s teaching. Here, the learningfocused use of feedback can – but does not have to – address both.