Call for applications ‚Major Changes“ AI / Environmental transition – Paris IAS – Sorbonne Chair 2023-2024
The call for applications for the 2023-2024 Sorbonne University – Paris Institute for Advanced Study (IAS) Chair on “Major Changes” is open until October 4, 2022.
The chair offers 5 and 10-month fellowships at the Paris IAS in the academic year 2023-2024 to work on a project on the societal or ethical dimension and impacts of digitization and artificial intelligence and/or the environmental transition. The focus of the Chair is Social sciences and Humanities, but it is also open to projects in other disciplines building bridges with societal issues. Projects based on citizen science are very welcome. Fellows will work in priority with research teams of Sorbonne University.
Any researcher with PhD + 2 years of experience who is not based in France is eligible.
For more information, see