Horizon Europe – MSCA Calls Currently Open
MSCA Staff Exchanges
The Staff Exchanges action funds short-term international and inter-sectoral exchanges of staff members involved in the research and innovation activities of participating organisations. The aim is to develop sustainable collaborative projects between different organisations from the academic and non-academic sectors (in particular SMEs), based in Europe and beyond.
Call: MSCA Staff Exchanges 2021 (HORIZON-MSCA-2021-SE-01)
Deadline date: 9 March 2022 17:00 Brussels time
Focusing on doctoral candidates and postdoctoral researchers, the COFUND action provides funding for regional, national and international programmes for training and career development, through co-funding mechanisms. For doctoral candidates, it offers research training activities to allow doctoral candidates to develop and broaden their skills, and competences that lead to successfully achieving a doctoral degree. For postdoctoral researchers, it funds individual advanced research training and career development fellowships.
Deadline date: 10 February 2022 17:00 Brussels time
Are you interested in the MSC Actions and require further information or already plan to submita proposal as a partner or coordinator? Further information, consultation and support is available at Göttingen International, please contact:
Ricarda Blumentritt
Head of Education and Mobility Programmes
+49 551/39 21320
Jakob Hedderich
Advisor for EU Programmes
+49 551/39 21326